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Jovempa federación

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Objetivos de Jovempa
Constitución Jovempa 2011

JOVEMPA was born as the Provincial Association of Young Entrepreneurs of the Province of Alicante on January 21, 1991, in 2011, exactly twenty years later, JOVEMPA was established as a Provincial Federation, grouping the seven current regional associations. JOVEMPA’s objectives have remained the same since its foundation in 1991:


Attend to the information, training, advice, innovation and growth needs of its associates, analyzing and disseminating any issues that may affect businessmen and entrepreneurs in the province of Alicante.


Atender las necesidades de información, formación, asesoramiento, innovación y crecimiento de sus asociados, analizando y divulgando cuantos temas puedan afectar a empresarios y emprendedores de la provincia de Alicante.


Promote, help develop and support business projects of associates.


Fomentar, ayudar a desarrollar y apoyar los proyectos empresariales de los asociados.


Capture, encourage, promote and develop entrepreneurial vocations among young people, in collaboration with other public and private entities.


Captar, fomentar, promover y desarrollar vocaciones empresariales entre los jóvenes, en colaboración con otras entidades públicas y privadas.


Represent, manage and defend the professional interests of associates in all kinds of social, political or economic fields.


Representar, gestionar y defender los intereses profesionales de los asociados en todo tipo de ámbitos sociales, políticos o económicos.


Promote, boost, participate in or coordinate all kinds of initiatives or actions aimed at the development and consolidation of Alicante companies as a whole, and especially those directed by young business associates.


Promover, impulsar, participar o coordinar todo tipo de iniciativas o actuaciones tendentes al desarrollo y consolidación de las empresas alicantinas en su conjunto, y especialmente las dirigidas por jóvenes empresarios asociados.


Provide their collaboration to other public or private entities in favor of the economic development of the Province of Alicante.


Prestar su colaboración a otras entidades públicas o privadas en pro del desarrollo económico de la Provincia de Alicante.


Foster relationships of collaboration and integration with other associations and entities of a sectoral nature or territorial scope other than the provincial one.


Fomentar relaciones de colaboración e integración con otras asociaciones y entidades de carácter sectorial o ámbito territorial distinto del Provincial.

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